Book It: What I'm Reading

Tuesday, September 01, 2015

Given I’ve been “nesting” much more this year, I’ve had some more time to read. Oh and one of my new year goals was to get a library card and I did just that! If you are looking for a good summer book, may I suggest...or not suggest:

Girl On The Train: LOVED this book. I read it in four hours and some change while on a business trip. It reminds me a bit of Gone Girl - a little crazy, a little mystery, a little missing person. I HIGHLY recommend it.

Big Little Lies: Another summer buzz book. I liked this. I didn’t love it or hate it. Just liked. The beginning of the book tells you that someone dies, but you don’t know who or how. The rest of the book follows kindergarten parents and their kids through the school year. I liked the twists and turns - I just thought it was a bit too long.

Okay, true confession. I read both of the books above because Reese Witherspoon posted them on her Instagram. I trust Reese’s recommendations because she’s the one that bought the movie rights to Gone Girl and is also working to bring Girl On A Train to the big screen. I hear Big Little Lies is going to be an HBO mini-series with Nicole Kidman. If you like to read books before they are made into movies - follow Reese!  

Eleanor & Park and Landline: The internets love author Rainbow Rowell, so I decided to read some of her work. All of her books are different with different characters - not a series. Eleanor & Park is more of a teen read, while I’d say Landline is more adult and both are quick reads. Eleanor & Park follows two high school kids. High school is awkward for everyone, but it’s especially awkward for Eleanor & Park and their relationship. Landline follows the relationship of a couple with a marriage in trouble. Both books make you want to keep reading to find out how the story ends. Both in a good and bad way (i.e. let’s get this over with).

Eat, Play, Sleep: Okay, this one is a parenting book. I REALLY liked this book. I recommend reading it before your baby arrives and then again after. I checked it out of the library twice and then just ended up buying it. While most of the baby tips are common sense, there were good reminders to help you handle the first few weeks of your baby’s life at home.

99 Problems: I just had to check this out of the library. Someone really wrote a book of 99 potential problems for Jay-Z. Genius.

Here are the books on my “To Read” list:

Oh and some books that I need to finish:
Lean In