You're A Gem

Wednesday, February 07, 2018

I can’t tell you how excited I get about “school” parties. I feel as though I’ve been waiting for these moments my whole life.

My daughter’s first “class” holiday was Halloween when she was three months old. I didn’t let that stop me from sending in a “treat” for the six infants in her class - which was pumpkin bibs.

Fast forward to today. I’m prepping for Valentine’s Day parties at daycare and dance class.

Before I jumped into a theme, I ordered the “You Are A Gem” cards from Minted. Then, the treats of ring pops and candy necklaces just came naturally. I included some bubble necklaces for the girls at dance because everything is a little extra at dance.

If you are looking for some card + treat theme ideas, check out my post from last year!