Paperless Invitations

Monday, August 20, 2012

Earlier this year, the hubs and I (along with Reader Trish) pulled into a church parking lot for a wedding, only to find that we were the only car there.

A few thoughts went through our heads - did we have the wrong address? Were we late?

Luckily I had the invitation with me to see that we were indeed 30 minutes early (I skipped over the "half past" part...). Like any West Virginia grad, we immediately found a bar to pass time.

Now that we are in the middle of wedding season, I tend to either misplace invitations, read the wrong or forget to bring them with me to the wedding. I sometimes wish I had the information on my phone...

Problem solved! I now take a picture of the invite, so that I always have with me a copy of the information! No more worrying about the reception time or address of the church! Such a simple idea that can come in handy!