What I’m Doing While Not Blogging Part 3: Reading

Friday, June 07, 2019

Reading more wasn’t a “resolution’ that I made, but in January I started taking advantage of our awesome local library more. They have a great selection and I just can't purchase anymore books. I read them once and then they collect dust. Exception = Harry Potter. I will forever own those.

Thinking about how I use my screen time, most of it is devoted to reading. Reading news or magazine articles. Reading blogs. So as a way to put down the screen a bit, I started reading more books.

So what have I been reading…

All We Ever Wanted - Surprisingly I haven’t read more Emily Griffin books. This might have been my first one. Loved it. The book focuses on the mom of a high school boy and deals with topics parents face today thanks to cell phones. Also, the relationship between the husband and wife. Quick, good read. Recommend it.

The Library Book - Very interesting, true story, about how the Los Angeles Public Library burnt down. Sadly, this book was a new release and due back to my local library pretty quick, so I didn’t get to finish it. It was a bit of a slower read for me. I can’t totally recommend it.

Little Fires Everywhere - Reese Witherspoon and Kerry Washington started filming this adaptation, so I had to read it before Hulu show comes out! Loved it. The book is set in the Shaker Heights suburbs of Cleveland. The author, Celeste Ng, actually spent some years living in Pittsburgh, so there are some local references! It’s the story of an artist mom and her high school daughter that move around a lot and end up in Shaker Heights. The story focuses on the relationship between the future Reese and Kerry characters and their children. It’s good. Read it. Now.

My Oxford Year - A somewhat self-explanatory title lol. This book is about a woman that spends a year studying at Oxford while still contributing to a political campaign in the states. It’s more love story vs, politics. Actually, politics plays a very minor role in the story. Anyways, while studying, she meets a guy. Will she stay in Oxford or go back to the US? You’ll need to read. Loved it. I want more. I want this to be a movie. I was actually surprised how much I liked this!

What Alice Forgot - This story is by Liane Moriarty, who wrote Big Little Lies - which I read when Lennon was born and pretty much forget the story. I blame sleep deprivation! I think the HBO show is confusing me too because it’s strayed so far from the book. Back to What Alice Forgot. I loved this story. Some parts were a little slow and it started to remind me of All We Ever Wanted in weird ways, BUT this is a story of Alice - who was working out, fell off a cycle bike and hit her head. She wakes up and can’t remember the last 10 years of her life. She and her husband are separated, her sister doesn’t like her much and she has three kids she can’t remember. The story then goes back in time to help Alice remember what she “forgot.”

Victoria - I remember discovering this author, Daisy Goodwin, from some article headline that said “If you miss Downton Abbey, read/watch this” and Victoria was on that list. It’s likely because it was made into a PBS series - which I watched after reading this book! That’s a long way of saying - if you are into Downtown Abbey, old school royalty with some fact/fiction/love, this book is for you! The first season of the PBS series followed the book pretty close and I loved it! I wish there were more books for the other seasons because I started to get lost. This was one of the first books I read this year and went on a Daisy Goodwin kick - following it up with The Fortune Hunter. Loved that too. I want more! 

I think that about covers it! I’m looking forward to knocking down some more books this summer! If you read something good that I should add, let me know!