If you've never been to Pittsburgh, I must say it is truly a unique city.
From the three rivers that surround the city, to the little trolleys that take you up a mountain that over looks the skyline, all the way to the distinct language the natives speak.
Brady and I have become very familiar with the Pittsburgh over the last month. Specifically the Airport. So familiar in fact, my lovely boyfriend pointed out something very interesting. When you arrive at the airport and embark on baggage claim, this is what you see....
Brady and I have become very familiar with the Pittsburgh over the last month. Specifically the Airport. So familiar in fact, my lovely boyfriend pointed out something very interesting. When you arrive at the airport and embark on baggage claim, this is what you see....

Two statues of people we Pittsburghians find important: President George Washington and Franco Harris.
If you aren't from Pittsburgh or a fan of football, you may ask, "Who the heck is Franco Harris?"
He was a member of the Pittsburgh Steelers Football Team in the 70's. During a pivotal playoff game, Harris caught a pass known as the Immaculate Reception," which is remembered as one of the most dramatic catches in NFL history. This catch, eventually lead the Steelers to a win that landed the team in the Super Bowl (which they won, of course). Harris is legendary in Pittsburgh - my neighbor's dog is even named Franco.

Enough about Franco. The real moral of this story is that, us people from Pittsburgh value these two figures in American history on the SAME LEVEL.

I'm so proud to be from Pittsburgh.
(pictures by brandi*)
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